Sunday, June 19, 2011

French Toast Strata

I have been slacking on my blogging duties, for good reason though, our little girl finally arrived! I have been cooking, but just haven't found the time to post and take pictures along the way. I'll post a few recipes this week, but they might not all have pictures, as we ate them before I could get a picture! I have been testing out recipes for Isabelle's baptism and found this delicious recipe for French Toast, yum! It was a hit and I will for surely be making it for her baptism next weekend!
French Toast Strata with Berry Sauce
1 1/2 Loaves French Bread
18 eggs
1 cup Milk (eyeball it)
1 cup Maple Syrup
A splash of Vanilla
A dash of Cinnamon or nutmeg. Whatever suits you.
1 pkg Cream Cheese
Fresh and/or thawed Frozen Berries of your choice

Mix together eggs, milk, syrup, vanilla & spices

Cut the French bread into medium sized cubes, use 1/2 of them to layer the bottom of a large casserole dish**. Slice the cream cheese into cubes and arrange on top of the layer of bread. Use the remaining bread to form another layer on top of the cream cheese. Pour the egg mixture over the bread cubes until they are thoroughly covered. Use the back of a wooden spoon (or just go ahead and use your hands!) to gently press the bread down into the pan and egg mixture until it is all covered and gooey.

Cover and let it sit for a couple of hours, or even better, overnight.

Sprinkle your berries with a little sugar. If they are fresh, smash them up just a bit to release some juices. Cover and refrigerate until you are ready to serve the strata.

Bake the strata at 350 for 45 minutes. Check center for doneness. It should be firm, like French Toast. Not runny.


  1. Sounds wonderful.....but what size dish would you say you used?

  2. I used a larger pyrex pan, 15X10. However, you could use a 9X13 and a smaller pyrex.I am sure you could make it work in a 9X13 glass pan and just squish it all down with the egg mixture.
